Wealth is at your fingertips.  Join our team and  learn how you can cashflow your home economy while taking care of our veterans that have served us so proudly.
Change Your Financial Future While Serving Our Veterans
Become A Local Representative, and bring awareness to this exciting program and become a Hero in Just 3 Easy Steps…
1.  Join Today!
Choose How You Want To Get Involved.  Get your position today!
2. Refer Others to Maximise Your Cashflow
The more drivers, and affiliates you refer, the more income you will receive month after month.  How much money would you like to receive residually?
3.  Relax and enjoy your wealth as you continue to grow your income each and every month on autopilot.
So How Do You Earn With Vet-Trips?
Become a driver for our veterans:

Drivers will use their personally owned vehicle to transport veterans to and from their destinations.  Each driver will earn 80% of the total fare per trip that they take. This is the highest payout in the ride share industry.  Click here to join .

   Become a Client:
   Clients are those who would like to only refer drivers. They will earn 5% of the drivers fare for every         trip that their referred drivers take. So in essence, if they refer 20 drivers as an example, they would         essentially earn 100% income between all of their drivers.  To become a client it is absolutely free 
  Become an Affiliate:
   Affiliates are those who would like to earn income by helping the company by getting the
   word out about the company and the program. An affiliate will pay a $39 monthly fee for joining     the program and referring other affiliates. When they join, they are placed in a 2 up system. This       means that when they refer the 1st person, that person gets passed up to their sponsor. The             second referral they will keep. The 3rd referral goes to their sponsor, and from then on every             referral belongs to them. They will also get 5% of the fare for every driver they personally refer.         Should they refer drivers that may also want to be an affiliate, they will not only receive the 5%       per trip that the driver takes, but they will also receive the $10 per month affiliate payout.  
   Click here to join.

Become one of our valued customers by downloading our customer app at the bottom of the page!

What are the benefits of driving with Vet-Trips?
Driver, Vet-Trips
James Daniels
Driving with Vet-Trips allows me to make money when I want, not giving away hours for dollars, and then get taxed more than 35% of those dollars while working for someone else.  Now I work for me and my family, at the same time providing a much needed service to our veterans who served us so proudly.

Solves my cashflow problem
Client, Vet-Trips
Niko Samuels
Because I am a Client with Vet-Trips, I can now spend all of my time with my family while at the same time finding those who love to drive support our veterans by getting to their destinations safely.  By sharing this with others it continues to grow my income everyday because others are spreading the word about this awesome company as well.  I love Vet-Trips.  It's worth it for you to find out more.
Solves my time freedom problem
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